Search and query commands

Lists search and query commands and provides links to the command reference pages.

The following table lists search and query commands. See the command links for more information about each command's syntax, arguments, and examples.

Command Redis Enterprise Software Redis Cloud
Flexible & Annual
Redis Cloud
Free & Fixed
FT.AGGREGATE ✅ Supported ✅ Supported ✅ Supported Runs a search query on an index and groups, sorts, transforms, limits, and/or filters the results.
FT.ALIASADD ✅ Supported ✅ Supported ✅ Supported Adds an alias to an index.
FT.ALIASDEL ✅ Supported ✅ Supported ✅ Supported Removes an alias from an index.
FT.ALIASUPDATE ✅ Supported ✅ Supported ✅ Supported Adds an alias to an index. If the alias already exists for a different index, it updates the alias to point to the specified index instead.
FT.ALTER ✅ Supported ✅ Supported ✅ Supported Adds a new field to an index.
FT.CONFIG GET ❌ Not supported ⚠️ Not supported2 ❌ Not supported Displays configuration options.
FT.CONFIG HELP ❌ Not supported ❌ Not supported ❌ Not supported Describes configuration options.
FT.CONFIG SET ⚠️ Not supported1 ⚠️ Not supported2 ❌ Not supported Sets configuration options.
FT.CREATE ✅ Supported ✅ Supported ✅ Supported Creates an index.
FT.CURSOR DEL ✅ Supported ✅ Supported ✅ Supported Deletes a cursor.
FT.CURSOR READ ✅ Supported ✅ Supported ✅ Supported Reads the next results from an existing cursor.
FT.DICTADD ✅ Supported ✅ Supported ✅ Supported Adds terms to a dictionary.
FT.DICTDEL ✅ Supported ✅ Supported ✅ Supported Deletes terms from a dictionary.
FT.DICTDUMP ✅ Supported ✅ Supported ✅ Supported Returns all terms in the specified dictionary.
FT.DROPINDEX ✅ Supported ✅ Supported ✅ Supported Deletes an index.
FT.EXPLAIN ✅ Supported ✅ Supported ✅ Supported Returns the execution plan for a complex query as a string.
FT.EXPLAINCLI ✅ Supported ✅ Supported ✅ Supported Returns the execution plan for a complex query as an array.
FT.INFO ✅ Supported ✅ Supported ✅ Supported Returns index information and statistics.
FT._LIST ✅ Supported ✅ Supported ✅ Supported Lists all indexes.
FT.PROFILE ✅ Supported ✅ Supported ✅ Supported Runs FT.SEARCH or FT.AGGREGATE and reports performance information.
FT.SEARCH ✅ Supported ✅ Supported ✅ Supported Searches an index for a text query and returns matching documents or document IDs.
FT.SPELLCHECK ✅ Supported ✅ Supported ✅ Supported Suggests spelling corrections for misspelled terms in a query.
FT.SYNDUMP ✅ Supported ✅ Supported ✅ Supported Returns a list of synonym terms and their synonym group IDs.
FT.SYNUPDATE ✅ Supported ✅ Supported ✅ Supported Creates or updates a synonym group with additional terms.
FT.TAGVALS ✅ Supported ✅ Supported ✅ Supported Returns all distinct values indexed in a tag field.
  1. Use rladmin or the REST API to change search and query configuration for Redis Enterprise Software. See search and query configuration compatibility with Redis Enterprise for more information and examples.

  2. Contact support to view the current configuration values or request configuration changes for Flexible or Annual Redis Cloud subscriptions.

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