Redis Cloud compatibility with source available Redis

Redis Cloud compatibility with source available Redis.

Both Redis Enterprise Software and Redis Cloud are compatible with source available Redis.

Redis contributes extensively to the Redis project and uses it inside of Redis Enterprise Software and Redis Cloud. As a rule, we adhere to the project's specifications and update both products with the latest version of Redis.

Redis commands

See Compatibility with Redis commands to learn which Redis commands are compatible with Redis Enterprise Software and Redis Cloud.

Configuration settings

Compatibility with Redis configuration settings lists the Redis configuration settings supported by Redis Enterprise Software and Redis Cloud.

Redis clients

You can use any standard Redis client with Redis Enterprise Software and Redis Cloud.

RESP compatibility

Redis Enterprise Software and Redis Cloud support RESP2 and RESP3. In Redis Cloud, you can choose between RESP2 and RESP3 when you create a database and you can change it when you edit a database. For more information about the different RESP versions, see the Redis serialization protocol specification.

Compatibility with Redis Cluster API

Redis Cloud supports Redis Cluster API on Redis Cloud Pro if it is enabled for a database. Review Redis Cluster API architecture to determine if you should enable this feature for your database.

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