Database alert and event logs

Logged database alerts and events

The following database (BDB) alerts and events can appear in syslog.

UI alerts

Logged alerts that appear in the UI

Alert code name Alert as shown in the UI Severity Notes
backup_delayed Periodic backup has been delayed for longer than minutes true: warning
false: info
Has threshold parameter in the data section of the log entry.
high_latency Latency is higher than msec true: warning
false: info
Has threshold parameter in the key/value section of the log entry.
high_syncer_lag Replica of - sync lag is higher than seconds true: warning
false: info
Has threshold parameter in the key/value section of the log entry.
high_throughput Throughput is higher than RPS (requests per second) true: warning
false: info
Has threshold parameter in the key/value section of the log entry.
low_throughput Throughput is lower than RPS (requests per second) true: warning
false: info
Has threshold parameter in the key/value section of the log entry.
ram_dataset_overhead RAM Dataset overhead in a shard has reached % of its RAM limit true: warning
false: info
Has threshold parameter in the key/value section of the log entry.
ram_values Percent of values in a shard’s RAM is lower than % of its key count true: warning
false: info
Has threshold parameter in the key/value section of the log entry.
shard_num_ram_values Number of values in a shard’s RAM is lower than values true: warning
false: info
Has threshold parameter in the key/value section of the log entry.
size Dataset size has reached % of the memory limit true: warning
false: info
Has threshold parameter in the key/value section of the log entry.
syncer_connection_error Replica of - database unable to sync with source error
syncer_general_error Replica of - database unable to sync with source error

Non-UI events

Logged events that do not appear in the UI

Event code name Severity Notes
authentication_err error Replica of - Error authenticating with the source database
backup_failed error
backup_started info
backup_succeeded info
bdb_created info
bdb_deleted info
bdb_updated info Indicates that a BDB configuration has been updated
compression_unsup_err error Replica of - Compression not supported by sync destination
crossslot_err error Replica of - Sharded destination does not support operation executed on source
export_failed error
export_started info
export_succeeded info
import_failed error
import_started info
import_succeeded info
oom_err error Replica of - Replication source/target out of memory
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