Actions requests

Actions requests

Method Path Description
GET /v1/actions Get all actions
GET /v1/actions/{uid} Get a single action

Get all actions

GET /v1/actions

Get the status of all actions (executing, queued, or completed) on all entities (clusters, nodes, and databases). This API tracks long-lived API requests that return either a task_id or an action_uid.

Required permissions

Permission name


Example HTTP request

GET /actions


Returns a JSON array of action objects and an array of state-machine objects.

Regardless of an action’s source, each action in the response contains the following attributes: name, action_uid, status, and progress.

Example JSON body

  "actions": [
      "action_uid": "159ca2f8-7bf3-4cda-97e8-4eb560665c28",
      "name": "retry_bdb",
      "node_uid": "2",
      "progress": "100",
      "status": "completed",
      "task_id": "159ca2f8-7bf3-4cda-97e8-4eb560665c28"
      "action_uid": "661697c5-c747-41bd-ab81-ffc8fd13c494",
      "name": "retry_bdb",
      "node_uid": "1",
      "progress": "100",
      "status": "completed",
      "task_id": "661697c5-c747-41bd-ab81-ffc8fd13c494"
  "state-machines": [
      "action_uid": "a10586b1-60bc-428e-9bc6-392eb5f0d8ae",
      "heartbeat": 1650378874,
      "name": "SMCreateBDB",
      "object_name": "bdb:1",
      "progress": 100,
      "status": "completed"

Status codes

Code Description
200 OK No error, response provides info about an ongoing action
404 Not Found Action does not exist (i.e. not currently running and no available status of last run).

Get a specific action

GET /v1/actions/{uid}

Get the status of a currently executing, queued, or completed action.

Required permissions

Permission name


Example HTTP request

GET /actions/{uid}

URL parameters

Field Type Description
uid string The action_uid to check


Returns an action object.

Regardless of an action’s source, each action contains the following attributes: name, action_uid, status, and progress.

Example JSON body

  "action_uid": "159ca2f8-7bf3-4cda-97e8-4eb560665c28",
  "name": "retry_bdb",
  "node_uid": "2",
  "progress": "100",
  "status": "completed",
  "task_id": "159ca2f8-7bf3-4cda-97e8-4eb560665c28"

Status codes

Code Description
200 OK No error, response provides info about an ongoing action
404 Not Found Action does not exist (i.e. not currently running and no available status of last run)
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