Proxy requests

Proxy requests

Method Path Description
GET /v1/proxies Get all proxies
GET /v1/proxies/{uid} Get a proxy
PUT /v1/proxies/{uid} Update a proxy
PUT /v1/proxies Update all proxies

Get all proxies

GET /v1/proxies

Get all the proxies in the cluster.


Permission name Roles
view_all_proxies_info admin


Example HTTP request

GET /proxies


Key Value Description
Host cnm.cluster.fqdn Domain name
Accept application/json Accepted media type


Returns a JSON array of proxy objects.

Example JSON body

         "uid": 1,
         "client_keepintvl": 30,
         "max_worker_server_conns": 16384,
         "client_keepcnt": 6,
         "max_threads": 64,
         "ignore_bdb_cconn_output_buff_limits": false,
         "dynamic_threads_scaling": false,
         "max_worker_client_conns": 16384,
         "max_servers": 4096,
         "client_keepidle": 180,
         "duration_usage_threshold": 30,
         "max_worker_txns": 65536,
         "threads": 3,
         "max_listeners": 1024,
         "conns": 500000,
         "ignore_bdb_cconn_limit": false,
         "threads_usage_threshold": 80,
         "backlog": 1024
        "uid": 2,
        "threads": 3,
        // additional fields...

Status codes

Code Description
200 OK No error

Get proxy

GET /v1/proxies/{int: uid}

Get a single proxy's info.


Permission name Roles
view_proxy_info admin


Example HTTP request

GET /proxies/1


Key Value Description
Host cnm.cluster.fqdn Domain name
Accept application/json Accepted media type

URL parameters

Field Type Description
uid integer The proxy's unique node ID


Returns a proxy object.

Example JSON body

     "uid": 1,
     "client_keepintvl": 30,
     "max_worker_server_conns": 16384,
     "client_keepcnt": 6,
     "max_threads": 64,
     "ignore_bdb_cconn_output_buff_limits": false,
     "dynamic_threads_scaling": false,
     "max_worker_client_conns": 16384,
     "max_servers": 4096,
     "client_keepidle": 180,
     "duration_usage_threshold": 30,
     "max_worker_txns": 65536,
     "threads": 3,
     "max_listeners": 1024,
     "conns": 500000,
     "ignore_bdb_cconn_limit": false,
     "threads_usage_threshold": 80,
     "backlog": 1024

Status codes

Code Description
200 OK No error
404 Not Found Proxy UID does not exist

Update proxy

PUT /v1/proxies/{int: uid}

Updates a proxy object, notifies the proxy, and waits for acknowledgment (ACK) unless the node is dead.

Automatically restarts the proxy service if allow_restart is true and any updated parameters require a restart for the changes to take effect. For example, a restart is required if you change threads to a lower number.

However, if allow_restart is false, such changes only take effect after the next proxy restart.


Permission name Roles
update_proxy admin


Example HTTP request

PUT /proxies/1

Example JSON body

  "allow_restart": true,
  "proxy": {
    "threads": 8


Key Value Description
Host cnm.cluster.fqdn Domain name
Accept application/json Accepted media type
Content-Type application/json Request body media type

URL parameters

Field Type Description
uid integer The unique ID of the updated proxy. Corresponds to the node ID.

Request body

Include a JSON object in the request body. The JSON object can contain the boolean field allow_restart and a proxy object with updated fields.


Returns a status code to indicate the success or failure of the proxy update.

Status codes

Code Description
200 OK No error, the request has been processed
400 Bad Request Bad content provided
404 Not Found Proxy does not exist
500 Internal Server Error Error while waiting for confirmation from proxy
504 Gateway Timeout Timeout while waiting for confirmation from proxy

Update all proxies

PUT /v1/proxies

Updates all the proxy objects, notifies the proxies, and waits for acknowledgment (ACK) unless the node is dead.

Automatically restarts the relevant proxy services if allow_restart is true and any updated parameters require a restart for the changes to take effect.

However, if allow_restart is false, such changes only take effect after the next proxy restart.


Permission name Roles
update_proxy admin


Example HTTP request

PUT /proxies

Example JSON body

  "allow_restart": true,
  "proxy": {
    "threads": 8,
    "max_threads": 12


Key Value Description
Host cnm.cluster.fqdn Domain name
Accept application/json Accepted media type
Content-Type application/json Request body media type

Request body

Include a JSON object in the request body. The JSON object can contain the boolean field allow_restart and a proxy object with updated fields.


Returns a status code to indicate the success or failure of the proxy updates.

Status codes

Code Description
200 OK No error, the request has been processed
400 Bad Request Bad content provided
500 Internal Server Error Error while waiting for confirmation from proxy
504 Gateway Timeout Timeout while waiting for confirmation from proxy
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