Create and manage subscriptions

This article describes how to create and manage a subscription using cURL commands.

The Redis Cloud REST API lets you create and manage all kinds of subscriptions. The examples in this article refer to Redis Cloud Pro subscriptions.

Create a subscription

Use POST /v1/subscriptions to create a subscription.

POST "https://[host]/v1/subscriptions"
    "name": "Basic subscription example",
    "paymentMethodId": <payment_id>,
    "cloudProviders": [
        "cloudAccountId": <account_id>,
        "regions": [
            "region": "us-east-1",
            "networking": {
              "deploymentCIDR": ""
    "databases": [
        "name": "Redis-database-example",
        "memoryLimitInGb": 1.1

Modify the following parameters in the sample JSON document to create a subscription on your own account:

  • paymentMethodId - Specify a payment method connected to your account.

    Use GET /payment-methods to find a payment method ID.

    You don't need to pass this field in your API request if you subscribed to Redis Cloud through Google Cloud Marketplace.

  • cloudAccountId - Set a cloud account ID connected to your account.

    To list cloud account IDs, use GET /cloud-accounts. To use internal resources, set it to "cloudAccountId": 1.

    If you subscribed to Redis Cloud through Google Cloud Marketplace, use 1 for this field.

The request JSON body contains two primary segments: subscription specification and databases specification. When you create a subscription, you must specify one or more databases in the "databases" array.

You can include the contents of the JSON document in the POST /subscriptions operation in the Swagger UI. See Swagger user interface for more details.

The Swagger UI generates default JSON examples for POST and PUT operations. You can reference these examples and modify them to fit your specific needs and account settings. The examples will fail if used as-is.

The response body contains the taskId for the task that creates the subscription. You can use GET /v1/tasks/<taskId> to track the task's status.

Update a subscription

Use PUT /v1/subscriptions/<subscriptionId> to update a subscription.

PUT "https://[host]/v1/subscriptions/<subscriptionId>"
    "name": "new-subscription-name",
    "paymentMethodId": <payment_id>

You can only change the following settings with this endpoint:

  • name - Specify a new name for your subscription.

  • paymentMethodId - Specify a different payment method connected to your account.

    Use GET /payment-methods to find a payment method ID.

The response body contains the taskId for the task that updates the subscription. You can use GET /v1/tasks/<taskId> to track the task's status.

Delete a subscription

Use DELETE /v1/subscriptions/<subscriptionId> to delete a subscription.

DELETE "https://[host]/v1/subscriptions/<subscriptionId>"

The response body contains the taskId for the task that deletes the subscription. You can use GET /v1/tasks/<taskId> to track the task's status.

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