Configure permissions with Redis ACLs

You can define custom Redis ACL rules to assign to a data access role or use predefined Redis ACLs.

Redis provides three predefined ACL rules, which are marked with the Redis logo and can not be changed:

  • Full-Access: Allows all commands.
  • Read-Write: Allows read and write commands and excludes dangerous commands.
  • Read-Only: Allows read commands only.

ACLs that are not marked with the Redis logo are user-defined ACL rules.

To configure a Redis ACL that you can assign to a data access role:

  1. Go to Data Access Control from the Redis Cloud console menu.

    Menu for database access control.
  2. Select the Redis ACLs tab.

    Redis ACLs area.
  3. Either select + to create a new Redis ACL or point to an existing ACL and select the pencil icon to edit it.

    Add or Update Redis ACL.
    The built-in Redis ACLs can't be edited.
  4. Provide a descriptive name and create the ACL rule using ACL syntax.

    Add Redis ACL.
  5. Select the check mark to save your changes. Your new Redis ACL should appear in the list.

    Saved Redis ACL.

After you create a Redis ACL, you can assign it to a role. Redis ACLs are not fully verified until they are assigned to a role. For more information, see Create roles or Active-Active access roles for an Active-Active database.

Define permissions with ACL syntax

You can define these permissions using the Redis ACL syntax. This syntax lets you concisely specify which commands, command categories, keys, and pub/sub channels to allow.

  • + includes commands or command categories
  • - excludes commands or command categories
  • @ indicates a command category
  • ~ defines a permitted key pattern
  • & allows access to a pub/sub channel

The Redis Cloud console will validate your ACL syntax while you are typing.

Command ACL rules

A command can be any Redis command.

For example, this Redis ACL rule indicates that the SET command is permitted:


Command category ACL rules

A command category is a predefined, named set of commands.

For example, the Redis commands that read data are available in the read command category. This Redis ACL rule permits access to all read commands:


To find out which commands are included in the read command category, run the following command with redis-cli:

ACL CAT read

Key ACL rules

To specify which keys are accessible, use the key permissions syntax.

The following ACL rule allows access to all keys:


Whereas, this ACL rule only allows access to keys prefixed with cache:


Starting with Redis 7.0, key patterns can also be used to define how a command is able to read or write a key.

The following ACL rule allows you to copy information from keys prefixed with cache: into keys prefixed with app::

+@all ~app:* %R~cache:*

For more information on how this works, see the key permissions syntax.

Pub/sub ACL rules

Pub/sub ACL rules determine which pub/sub channels a user can access. For more information see, Redis pub/sub

For versions older than Redis 7.0, pub/sub is permissive and allows access to all channels by default.

Redis 7.0 makes pub/sub restrictive and blocks access to all channels in Redis Software. However, Redis Cloud still defaults to permissive pub/sub even for Redis 7.0 subscriptions.

OSS Redis
pub/sub ACLs
Redis Cloud
pub/sub ACLs
6.0 Not supported Not supported
6.2 Permissive Permissive
7.0 Restrictive Permissive

Restrict channel access

To block access to all channels, use the following ACL rule:


If you want to limit access to specific channels, first include resetchannels. Then use & syntax to allow access to particular channels:

resetchannels &channel1 &channel2

Allow all channels

To make pub/sub explicitly permissive and allow users to access all channels, set the following rule:



Starting with Redis 7.0, Redis supports adding multiple sets of rules that are evaluated independently of each other, called selectors.

The following ACL rule allows a user to execute GET on keys prefixed with cache and SET on keys prefixed with app:

+GET ~cache:* (+SET ~app:*)

Predefined permissions

Redis Cloud includes three predefined permissions:

  • Full-Access (+@all ~*) - All commands are allowed for all keys.

  • Read-Write (+@all -@dangerous ~*) - All commands except for the dangerous command category are allowed for all keys.

  • Read-Only (+@read ~*) - Only the read command category is allowed for all keys.

Advanced capability command permissions

Note that you can define permissions for the Redis commands of any advanced capabilities that are part of your subscription; however, these permissions can only be used for databases that support those capabilities.

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