Node actions requests

Node action requests

Method Path Description
GET /v1/nodes/actions Get status of all actions on all nodes
GET /v1/nodes/{node_uid}/actions Get status of all actions on a specific node
GET /v1/nodes/{node_uid}/actions/{action} Get status of an action on a specific node
POST /v1/nodes/{node_uid}/actions/{action} Initiate node action
DELETE /v1/nodes/{node_uid}/actions/{action} Cancel action or remove action status

Get all actions

GET /v1/nodes/actions

Get the status of all currently executing, pending, or completed actions on all nodes.


Permission name Roles
view_status_of_all_node_actions admin


Example HTTP request

GET /nodes/actions

Request headers

Key Value Description
Host cnm.cluster.fqdn Domain name
Accept application/json Accepted media type


Returns a list of action objects.

Status codes

Code Description
200 OK No error, response provides details about an ongoing action.

Get node actions statuses

GET /v1/nodes/{node_uid}/actions

Get the status of all actions on a specific node.

Required permissions

Permission name Roles
view_status_of_node_action admin


Example HTTP request

GET /nodes/1/actions

Request headers

Key Value Description
Host cnm.cluster.fqdn Domain name
Accept application/json Accepted media type

URL parameters

Field Type Description
action string The action to check.


Returns a JSON object that includes a list of action objects for the specified node.

If no actions are available, the response will include an empty array.

Example JSON body

    "actions": [
            "name": "remove_node",
            "node_uid": "1",
            "status": "running",
            "progress": 10

Error codes

Code Description
internal_error An internal error that cannot be mapped to a more precise error code has been encountered.
insufficient_resources The cluster does not have sufficient resources to complete the required operation.

Status codes

Code Description
200 OK No error, response provides details about an ongoing action.
404 Not Found Action does not exist (i.e. not currently running and no available status of last run).

Get node action status

GET /v1/nodes/{node_uid}/actions/{action}

Get the status of a currently executing, queued, or completed action on a specific node.


Example HTTP request

GET /nodes/1/actions/remove


Key Value Description
Host cnm.cluster.fqdn Domain name
Accept application/json Accepted media type


Returns an action object for the specified node.

Error codes

Code Description
internal_error An internal error that cannot be mapped to a more precise error code has been encountered.
insufficient_resources The cluster does not have sufficient resources to complete the required operation.

Status codes

Code Description
200 OK No error, response provides details about an ongoing action.
404 Not Found Action does not exist (i.e. not currently running and no available status of last run).

Initiate node action

POST /v1/nodes/{node_uid}/actions/{action}

Initiate a node action.

The API allows only a single instance of any action type to be invoked at the same time, and violations of this requirement will result in a 409 CONFLICT response.

The caller is expected to query and process the results of the previously executed instance of the same action, which will be removed as soon as the new one is submitted.


Permission name Roles
start_node_action admin


Example HTTP request

POST /nodes/1/actions/remove


Key Value Description
Host cnm.cluster.fqdn Domain name
Accept application/json Accepted media type

URL parameters

Field Type Description
action string The name of the action required.

Currently supported actions are:

  • remove: Removes the node from the cluster after migrating all bound resources to other nodes. As soon as a successful remove request is received, the cluster will no longer automatically migrate resources, such as shards and endpoints, to the node even if the remove task fails at some point.

    • By default, the remove node action completes after all resources migrate off the removed node. Node removal does not wait for migrated shards' persistence files to be created on the new nodes.

      To change node removal to wait for the creation of new persistence files for all migrated shards, set wait_for_persistence to true in the request body or update the cluster policy persistent_node_removal to true to change the cluster's default behavior.

      POST /v1/nodes/<node_id>/actions/remove
          "wait_for_persistence": true
  • maintenance_on: Creates a snapshot of the node, migrates shards to other nodes, and prepares the node for maintenance. See maintenance mode for more information.

    • As of Redis Enterprise Software version 7.4.2, a new node snapshot is created only if no maintenance mode snapshots already exist or if you set "overwrite_snapshot": true in the request body.

      POST /v1/nodes/1/actions/maintenance_on
          "overwrite_snapshot": true
    • If there aren't enough resources to migrate shards out of the maintained node, set "evict_ha_replica": false and "evict_active_active_replica": false in the request body to keep the replica shards in place but demote any master shards. Use these two parameters instead of keep_slave_shards, which is deprecated as of Redis Enterprise Software version 7.4.2.

      POST /v1/nodes/1/actions/maintenance_on
          "overwrite_snapshot": true,
          "evict_ha_replica": false,
          "evict_active_active_replica": false
    • To specify databases whose shards should be evicted from the node when entering maintenance mode, set "evict_dbs": ["List of database ID strings"] in the request body.

      POST /v1/nodes/1/actions/maintenance_on
          "overwrite_snapshot": true,
          "evict_dbs": ["1", "3"] 
  • maintenance_off: Restores node to its previous state before maintenance started. See maintenance mode for more information.

    • By default, it uses the latest node snapshot.

    • Use "snapshot_name": "..." in the request body to restore the state from a specific snapshot.

    • To avoid restoring shards at the node, use "skip_shards_restore": true.

  • enslave_node: Turn node into a replica.


The body content may provide additional action details.

Status codes

Code Description
200 OK Action initiated successfully.
409 Conflict Only a single instance of any action type can be invoked at the same time.

Example requests


$ curl -k -X POST -u "[username]:[password]" -d "{}"


import requests
import json

url = "https://[host][port]/v1/nodes/1/actions/remove"

payload = json.dumps({})
headers = {
  'Content-Type': 'application/json',
auth = ("[username]", "[password]")

response = requests.request("POST", url, auth=auth, headers=headers, data=payload)


Cancel action

DELETE /v1/nodes/{node_uid}/actions/{action}

Cancel a queued or executing node action, or remove the status of a previously executed and completed action.


Permission name


Example HTTP request

DELETE /nodes/1/actions/remove


Key Value Description
Host cnm.cluster.fqdn Domain name
Accept application/json Accepted media type

URL parameters

Field Type Description
action string The name of the action to cancel.


Returns a status code.

Status codes

Code Description
200 OK Action will be cancelled when possible.
404 Not Found Action unknown or not currently running.
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