Redis Enterprise Software release notes 6.4.2-81 (June 2023)

Email alerts for database backup failures and replica high availability shard relocation failures.

This is a maintenance release for ​​Redis Enterprise Software version 6.4.2.

The following table shows the MD5 checksums for the available packages:

Package MD5 checksum (6.4.2-81 June release)
Ubuntu 16 31631248672de0154ec20aee0bff9adc
Ubuntu 18 eb4e8c1bc1443923ebcd457e51684f7e
Ubuntu 20 1256292b8dca6456e69dc309be51a8d0
RedHat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 7
Oracle Enterprise Linux (OL) 7
RedHat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 8
Oracle Enterprise Linux (OL) 8
Rocky Enterprise Linux
Amazon Linux 2 1a549bdb360c9e22ef764faeadbd4c90

New features and enhancements

  • RS77279 - Database backup failures and replica high availability (replica HA) failures (for example, when relocating a shard from a node) now generate email alerts

Redis Stack v6.2.6

Redis Enterprise Software v6.4.2 includes the new features delivered in the latest Redis Stack release (6.2.6 v6):

See Upgrade modules to learn how to upgrade a module for a database.

Resolved issues

  • RS101204 - Fixed high memory consumption that was caused by the persistence_mgr service when AOF persistence is configured for every second.

  • RS39322 , RS35526 - rlcheck no longer requires root privileges and can run with the redislabs group and user.

  • RS97315, RS100853 - Fixed the robustness of the support package process when collecting the shard configuration.

  • RS65110 - Fixed firewalld SELinux configuration.

  • RS101691 - Clean false error messages at the end of installation.

Known limitations

Feature limitations

  • RS78430 - When tuning module arguments, typos or unsupported arguments can cause shards to get stuck after restarting.

  • RS40641 - API requests are redirected to an internal IP in case the request arrives from a node which is not the master. To avoid this issue, use rladmin cluster config to configure handle_redirects or handle_metrics_redirects.

Operating system limitations

Ubuntu 20.04

By default, you cannot use the SHA1 hash algorithm (OpenSSL’s default security level is set to 2). The operating system will reject SHA1 certificates even if the mtls_allow_weak_hashing option is enabled. You need to replace SHA1 certificates with newer certificates that use SHA-256. Note that the certificates provided with Redis Enterprise Software use SHA-256.

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